CAPRICORN December 2021: Stay focused & avoid distractions. An amazingly productive month awaits you!

Your spirit totem is the wolf. For all your Channeled Messages, see 00:02:59.

Time Stamps: 
00:00:00 Welcome 
00:02:59 Channeled Messages & Spirit Totem 
00:35:32 Celtic Cross 
00:59:08 Expanded Forecast: Health, Wealth, Love & Destiny 
01:17:42 The Big Idea 
01:19:38 Blessings 
01:22:39 Blocks 
01:25:52 Reader's Choice: What's Happening With Your Resources? 
01:29:18 Viewer's Choice #1: Who Can You Depend On? (4 of Wands) 
01:31:53 Viewer's Choice #2: Mental Health & Wellbeing 
01:35:19 Meditation 
01:39:08 Singing Bowl Sound Bath 
01:41:41 Final Card (Answer to Your Silent Question) 
01:44:11 "Thank You" for SuperChats, SuperStickers and New Memberships
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