CAPRICORN July 2021: Abundance wants to pour in, but you must be ready first. It’s time to open up and receive!

CAPRICORN July 2021 Channeled Messages: Your triple totem is comprised of the Tiger lily, Daylily and the Sun.

  • Tiger lilies are summer perennials. They sport tall stalks topped with bright, orange-and-black spotted flowers.
  • Like the tiger, focus on imbuing strength and power in your life.
  • Be bold, conspicuous and shine brightly!
  • Increase your self confidence and learn how to speak, think and act for yourself.
  • Heal and open the second (sacral) chakra. Doing so will help you express yourself in all aspects of life.
  • Focus on all types of intimacy—emotional, physical and intellectual—with partners. Express your dreams and desires.
  • Daylilies are a longer-lasting flowers and can represent the kind of joy and passion that keeps burning… the embers that can be rekindled time and again.
  • Focus on the big goals on the horizon. Reset your current path to align to this vision.
  • Today is the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere—a day where the sun shines the longest, marking the first day of summer.
  • As a symbol of the Divine Masculine, it’s appropriate that the sun is in full force on Father’s Day, which also takes place today. Heal and/or celebrate the paternal relationships in your life.
  • Take action on goals, dreams and projects. Mercury goes direct on June 22nd, so now is the time to make things happen.
  • In dreams, I saw an image of you separated into two parts, as if you were trying to split yourself into two.
  • Guides and friends were warning you to stop spreading yourself too thin. Create (and enforce) new boundaries.
  • I felt a stubborn energy from you (or someone near you), particularly around accepting help and money.
  • Try not to make things harder than they need to be. Find balance in your life and open yourself up to receive the abundance in love, energy and resources that wants to come forth. Meditate on the Ace of Cups and Ace of Pentacles to assist.
  • Things that need to come to a karmic end, likely will. Deal with these situations sooner than later to avoid the need to do any damage control.

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