Free yourself from limiting thoughts and situations. Replace words like “can’t” or “won’t.” It’s more powerful to think, “I CAN, I WILL and I AM making my dreams happen.”
Take creative or editorial control of what you’re doing. The buck stops with you!
You hold the reins to your own path. Become The Chariot.
You make your own luck. Prepare for something good to happen, then act quickly. Don’t second guess yourself.
Once you begin, momentum will build and you’ll make up for lost time!
Express your ideas without self-deprecating or selling yourself short.
Trust and believe in yourself—and others will too!
You haven’t lost “it”—whatever “it” may be.
Like riding a bike, you just need to get back into a practice or routine.
A strained relationship (e.g., brother, sister or best friend) requires healing. Hold space and take the first step towards that healing or forgiveness; the act of doing so will heal and elevate all other relationships in your life.
A vision of nesting boxes came to me. Inside the innermost box, a family of beetles emerged. This auspicious sign signals a period of regrowth and reinvention. Enjoy yourself and don’t limit what’s possible.
Don’t bottle up your emotions, your energy or your dreams. It’s time for everything to expand and see the light of day.
I also saw a tube of lipstick. Now is not the time to give lip service. Back up everything you say with tangible action.
Also, be your true self… take off the mask and let your authenticity guide you.
If you have an injury from repetitive motion (typing, sports, etc.) or you have chronic pain, please see your doctor. This could also be a sign for you to change up a cycle that’s causing you pain.
Health is a priority, now more than ever. If you’re already on this path of wellbeing, continue to place it at the top of your priorities