CAPRICORN January 2021: Release the tough exterior—you can embody both strength & vulnerability!

CAPRICORN January 2021 Channeled Messages: Your nature totem is the Coral Reef, symbolizing a contrast between strength and vulnerability.

Tough exteriors may hide a gentle soul or fragile ego.

Whenever possible, work with the energy of people’s higher selves. It’s more receptive to love and change.

Try to lead with compassion and see if that’s reciprocated.

Being authentic and vulnerable is a refreshing display of strength.

Celebrate diversity in yourself and in others. This fosters creativity and growth, keeps ideas fresh and relevant, while also ensuring an ability to adapt to change.

There is strength in numbers. Like the coral reef, you are part of a community. Use your inherent strengths to work with, or even lead this community!

Assume the best of others and ask for clarification as needed.

Context is everything! Don’t judge until you understand what was trying to be conveyed.

Have a second set of eyes or ears go over your work to check for clarity and voice.

Have a contingency or backup plan so that you are easily able to adjust to changes.

Plan as much as possible, but also embrace spontaneity.

Genuine human interactions require both preparation and an ability to go off-script.

Being able to playfully try new things is advantageous (and more fun, too).

There’s a chance to reconnect with an old friend or love interest.

This person seeks healing, however. Sort out what’s wrong first; then proceed with caution.

If you’re feeling lost, or if you’ve lost someone, reach out for support.

It’s time for birthing or rebirthing things. If something didn’t come to fruition, don’t give up. Try again and don’t limit yourself creatively.

Clean up your diet, clean out your pantry, and make being healthy a priority.