GEMINI October 2021: Major shifts are taking place in relationships—find or rekindle the spark!

GEMINI October 2021 Channeled Messages: Your Spirit Totem is sheep—which includes lambs, ewes and rams. This totem reminds you to be gentle and kind with yourself and others.

  • Prioritize self-care, rest and recovery. Hit the mental “reset” button.
  • Do you want to lead or follow? The Universe awaits your answer (and synchronicities will open up accordingly.)
  • You may be inspired to follow a cause, passion, person, dream or ambition.
  • Go beneath the surface. Don’t be fooled by a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
  • Rams are also a part of this totem, so don’t underestimate your power.
  • Rams represent the power of the mind. Being headstrong has its advantages. Know how and when to stand your ground.
  • Avoid simply butting heads. Use your mind, facts and data to present an argument.
  • A ram’s horn is curved towards their ear. Listen! People need to express themselves and vice-versa.
  • If others can’t (or won’t) listen to you, it’s time for a change.
  • Major shifts are taking place across all relationships this month.
  • A mutual spark is fundamental. Make sure that new relationships have this, and if you’re in a long-term relationship, it’s time to rekindle the spark.
  • Some of you are at a crossroads. Remember it’s okay to move in another direction if that’s what your heart desires. Liberation works both ways.
  • I witnessed an in-depth conversation about past and future plans. If you’re looking for love, there’s long-term potential.
  • The past will resurface, play a role or somehow (re)define your present and future relationships. Now’s the time to sort it out.
  • I saw life from the perspective of a ghost. It was trying to find its way back home, but the path was unfamiliar.
  • Some of you are haunted by a memory that you’re holding onto. Release this hold and clear out your mental real estate… it allows something better and brighter to enter into your life.
  • Ancestral or familial energy is present. Closure is possible. If you feel the presence of loved ones, speak to them (or pray for them). They will receive your messages.
  • I was shown a hole or portal in the roof (or perhaps attic) area of a house. Clean out your closets, attics and storage, especially if you have keepsakes from loved ones. These are connections to them. Put them in a cleaner or more prominent place (or release them altogether). This will even out the energy and allow the loved one to be at peace.
  • I saw a key and lock which didn’t work anymore. Be careful of retreading old paths, relationships or jobs. You walked away for a reason.
  • For those seeking work, make sure the term of employment is discussed. I saw ambiguity around part-time or contract work. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Make sure you have backup options.
  • For those in jobs, make sure you discuss long-term plans.