Monday Night Impromptu Reading • New Moon/New Month (Feb. 2022) Forecast + Elemental Forecast

Time Stamps: 
00:00:00 Introduction 
00:04:30 Things to Release During the New Moon in Mercury Retrograde 00:13:09 Openings & Opportunities During the New Moon 
00:20:37 Apollo Cameo 
00:21:56 ELEMENTAL FORECAST - Fire, Earth, Air & Water 
00:22:30 FIRE - Aries, Leo & Sagittarius 
00:25:37 EARTH - Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn 
00:27:49 AIR - Gemini, Libra & Aquarius 
00:30:24 WATER - Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces 
00:34:12 Collective Celtic Cross for the New Moon 
00:51:43 Expanded Forecast: Health, Wealth, Love & Destiny 
01:04:23 The Big Idea 
01:08:40 The Final Card (An Answer to Your Silent Question) 
01:13:29 A Candle for Your Intention for the New Moon 
01:14:18 Single Card for Your Intention 
01:16:33 "Thank You" for SuperChats, SuperStickers and New Memberships