Report an Imposter Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. – Step 1 of 6On what platform did you see the imposter? *Select from the listSelect from the listRemove itemSelect from the listYouTubeFacebookInstagramThreadsTikTokX (Twitter)MastodonTumblrPost.newsOther Platform or WebsiteYou selected "Other." What is the name of the platform? *0 of 25 max characters.NextDo you know the handle (user name) of the imposter? *YesNoWhat's the name or handle of the impersonator? *Please list the handle here exactly as it appears on the app or website. 1 of 25 max characters.PreviousNextCan you also provide a link (URL) to the profile? *YesNoPlease paste the URL (link) to the profile that is impersonating Nicholas: *Remember that all links should begin with either http:// or https://PreviousNextWhat did this impersonator do? *Asked for MoneyTried to Sell a Fake ProductAdded as a FriendSent a Direct MessageOffered a Private ReadingNothing. I just noticed the fake account.Other (Specify)You selected "Other." In a few words, please specify what the imposter did. *0 of 35 max characters.PreviousNextYour Name: *FirstLastPreviousNextYour Email: *Please confirm: *By using this form and clicking Submit, I also agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use on this site Submit