TAURUS December 2021: Embrace your power as major life changes unfold! Remember that ends bring a new beginning.

Your totem today is comprised of the pear tree and its patron goddesses: Hera, Aphrodite and Pomona.

  • Hera imparts three lessons to us: (1) leadership and partnership will play a major role in the month ahead, (2) you’ve always had the power to do what you want to do, and (3) accountability is paramount to your success. Without accountability, everything falls apart. Hold yourself and others true to promises and contracts. Remember that leadership requires empathy and good listening skills.
  • Aphrodite’s appearance in your totem signals passion, fertility, new partnerships and abundance. Like The Lovers, you can use this energy for both relationships, and also to help you manifest. The heart chakra is the glue (and the magic) that ties everything together this month. If you feel the passion, you’re unstoppable. If you don’t, then things will fall apart. Maintain the momentum you’ve built by keeping your eyes fixed on the horizon.
  • Pomona, like Demeter, is a goddess of harvests. She reminds us that everything has a time and a season. The energy of Judgment, Death and The World allow you to accept and move through a major life change. Remember that ends bring about new beginnings, too. Never fear Transformation; embrace it.
This is just a summary of the Channeled Messages. For the full download, see: 00:03:53. Other time codes follow below.
Time Codes
00:03:53 Channeled Messages 
00:22:35 Celtic Cross 
00:43:39 Expanded Forecast: Health, Wealth, Love & Destiny 
01:01:50 The Big Idea / North Star 
01:03:06 Blessings 
01:06:00 Blocks 
01:08:46 Soul Path Message: How to Find Emotional Balance 
01:10:30 Viewer's Choice: How to Deal with Change 
01:16:14 Meditation 
01:19:06 Singing Bowl Sound Bath 
01:21:03 Final Card (Answer to Your Silent Question) 
01:23:20 SuperChat & SuperSticker Thank You
Watch video: https://youtu.be/JTW459JjWaQ