TAURUS February 2021: Like a Magnolia, you’re strong, resilient and you can attract what you need!

TAURUS February 2021 Channeled Messages: The ancient wisdom of the Magnolia tree came through today, reminding you of your strength, longevity and ability to attract new opportunities.

Magnolias are ancient—among the oldest trees on the planet. For this reason, they symbolize longevity.

Look at your long-term goals and set plans accordingly. You have what it takes to go the distance!

Magnolias evolved sturdy blossoms to attract beetles for pollination and survival. Like the tree, you can adapt, too.

Moreover, this combination of being sweet (but strong), is a reminder of the power of diplomacy.

Use your diplomatic prowess to captivate and engage your audience (and, ultimately, be more persuasive).

You’ll get more bees with honey than vinegar. The sweet magnolia is evidence of that.

Remember a little goes a long way, however. Try to keep everything in moderation, taking special care to achieve work/life balance.

I was drawn to the lens of the physical eye. If it’s been too long since your last eye exam, get everything checked out. Otherwise, this is symbolic: it’s time to focus your attention (and intention).

Are you spreading yourself too thin? Or just feeling distracted? Take a break, hit the “re-set” button and pick one thing to focus on.

Think about how much time and energy you’re investing in people or projects. This could be taking your attention away from something that matters.

Trust your heart to show you the right direction.

Know when to say “no.” Set boundaries and stick to them.

Make time to daydream and imagine the possibilities. Dream it, then do it!

Decide and declare your intentions to the universe!

Go out on a limb and try something new. If you don’t take chances, you won’t grow.